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by axlebeans
Fri May 21, 2021 1:50 pm
Forum: How To Questions
Topic: Drawing dimensions becoming dangling on rebuild
Replies: 3
Views: 2003

Re: Drawing dimensions becoming dangling on rebuild

Well, my solidworks went and crashed when I tried to box select the ones I had reattached that went invisible, and it crashed. I'm having no problems now so i'm thinking it must've been some weird, hopefully one-off glitch
by axlebeans
Fri May 21, 2021 12:37 pm
Forum: How To Questions
Topic: Drawing dimensions becoming dangling on rebuild
Replies: 3
Views: 2003

Re: Drawing dimensions becoming dangling on rebuild

What entities are the dimensions attached to? Are all the dimensions breaking or just a few specific ones? What happens when you create a new drawing view of the same part? Can you post a screenshot, or better yet, your files? I attached the dimensions to straight edges but it would only let me rea...
by axlebeans
Fri May 21, 2021 12:15 pm
Forum: How To Questions
Topic: Drawing dimensions becoming dangling on rebuild
Replies: 3
Views: 2003

Drawing dimensions becoming dangling on rebuild

Well, this is definitely a new one for me. I copied a sheet in a drawing, deleted the dimensions I don't need, and flipped from a front view to a back view, no problem. However, on rebuild, the 2 dimensions I kept became dangling. I reattatched them, and all was fine. Until, again, they became dangl...
by axlebeans
Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:26 am
Forum: How To Questions
Topic: Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format
Replies: 18
Views: 2278

Re: Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format

Merovingien wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:25 am using a block, is not a "tips and tricks" feature, just a very standard feature, to me.

another solution :

This is also a good trick for me. I should mention i'm still within my first few months of using solidworks, so standard features tend to blow my mind sometimes.
by axlebeans
Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:14 am
Forum: How To Questions
Topic: Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format
Replies: 18
Views: 2278

Re: Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format

Create a layer for these with the color set in your templates. Create a note and turn on the circular border. Put the note on the new layer. Right click the note and "Add to library" Put into a user shared library on your network or PDM if you have it. Drag the note in and edit the value ...
by axlebeans
Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:17 pm
Forum: How To Questions
Topic: Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format
Replies: 18
Views: 2278

Re: Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format

image.png hopefully this clears things up. The balloons in question come from the Balloon command under my Annotation tab. I think they're used for BOM usually but we use them to help clear up which dimension is associated to which on the inspection sheet. They seem to act like a normal circular no...
by axlebeans
Tue Apr 06, 2021 1:43 pm
Forum: How To Questions
Topic: Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format
Replies: 18
Views: 2278

Re: Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format

I appreciate the replies and will look into setting up layers and a style for this. My solution now is to place all the balloons outside of drawing views, paint the format for the color, and then move them into place after the fact. This is so far my only work around i've had work, so it must be int...
by axlebeans
Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:48 pm
Forum: How To Questions
Topic: Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format
Replies: 18
Views: 2278

Balloons within drawing view not accepting painted format

Hello everyone, I've been trying to balloon some dimensions for our inspection sheets, and I would like them to be red. The way I find easiest to do this is to make one red and then paint the format to all the other balloons. However, when I try paint the format to a balloon within the square of a d...
by axlebeans
Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:34 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Obligatory mouse thread
Replies: 50
Views: 20488

Re: Obligatory mouse thread

Thank you everyone for the reccomendations, I managed to convince the big man to order me one of those MxMaster 3.0's and it's honestly the first time i've been excited for a computer mouse. Nice. Are you going to give a 3d mouse a try? I didn't mention it before, but I like mine so much that if it...
by axlebeans
Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:15 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Obligatory mouse thread
Replies: 50
Views: 20488

Re: Obligatory mouse thread

Thank you everyone for the reccomendations, I managed to convince the big man to order me one of those MxMaster 3.0's and it's honestly the first time i've been excited for a computer mouse.
by axlebeans
Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:52 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Obligatory mouse thread
Replies: 50
Views: 20488

Re: Obligatory mouse thread

Guess I don't know how to quote things. To quote someone's reply click the quote button in the top right corner of the reply: 2021-03-31 15_45_47-Obligatory mouse thread - CAD Forum — Mozilla Firefox.jpg And make sure the "Disable BBcode" is not selected in the message area: 2021-03-31 15...
by axlebeans
Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:39 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Obligatory mouse thread
Replies: 50
Views: 20488

Re: Obligatory mouse thread

Guess I don't know how to quote things.
by axlebeans
Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:39 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Obligatory mouse thread
Replies: 50
Views: 20488

Re: Obligatory mouse thread

Do you understand how the "six degrees of freedom" works? You have three directions of translation (linear movement in X,Y, &Z) and three directions of rotation. You treat the black knob in the center like the model. It gives you all six degrees of motion. Does the movement translate ...
by axlebeans
Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:17 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Obligatory mouse thread
Replies: 50
Views: 20488

Re: Obligatory mouse thread

@Glenn Schroeder How does something like that work? Never seen a mouse like that, what's the advantages and disadvantages?
by axlebeans
Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:35 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Obligatory mouse thread
Replies: 50
Views: 20488

Re: Obligatory mouse thread

@mattpeneguy with that many buttons do you find yourself ever hitting the wrong ones or are they large enough you don't run into the issue? Appreciate the answers so far
by axlebeans
Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:18 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Obligatory mouse thread
Replies: 50
Views: 20488

Obligatory mouse thread

Hello everyone! I figure this is the best place to go for this. Not only am I new to Solidworks, i'm new to CAD and engineering as a whole. I'm definitely what most of you guys would consider a youngster (only 20), and i'm looking to throw myself into this properly. Being our small shops only CAD gu...