I have come up with an interesting challenge in one of the projects I'm doing right now. Here is a ROV (Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle) electronics compartment end cap. It has 36 holes for electric wires that will go through it. In order to avoid messing up the connections of the wires that will go through these holes, the connections will be mapped, and the holes need to be labeled on both sides. The part will be 3D-printed, so the these labels will be indented in the surfaces.
Outer side:

Inner side:

The labels, of course, need to be matched, and positioned close to the corresponding hole (more or less on the radial between the center of the part and the hole to which the label is attach). Now, in this part, I have written out and positioned these labels manually, which took quite a lot of time. For the opposite side, I couldn't even reuse the same sketch - any kind of mirror or pattern feature would either give mirrored numbers, or numbers that are on the wrong holes. So I had to copy-paste the same sketch, and then edit every single label to set it to mirrored, before doing a cut-extrude.
Now, this is not that terrible if it has to be done once, but there will be lots of prototyping for this part, it's dimensions will change, the number of holes will change as well, and therefore the labels will end up in the wrong positions all the time if it is left like this.
I am looking for a way to automate this. Ideally when I change the dimensions of the part, or the number of holes by controlling their respective features, the labels should position themselves in the correct place, and follow the numbering pattern that you see in the picture (clockwise and inwards for each group, then move on to the next group). The opposite side should also rebuild in the exact same way, only that every number should be mirrored in order to be readable and matching the same hole.
Any ideas? I know that sketch text can be linked to custom properties: that may open the door to automation. But frankly, I have no idea how to go about this, especially when the number of holes and their corresponding labels will be changing all the time.
Oh, and before you suggest a macro - I have been writing SOLIDWORKS macros for 5 years, and tell you the truth, I would have absolutely no idea how to write a macro for this

I'm looking for a truly parametric solution.
Attaching the model (saved with SW2021). I'm open to any ideas