BOM Get same part in the bom on different rows

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David Matula
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BOM Get same part in the bom on different rows

Unread post by David Matula »

Never really had to do this before. Need a part in the bom at item 20 and then again at the bottom.
I have learned how to keep stuff from showing up.
I have used assemblies to insert many parts by promoting.
Never had to have the same part # in the bom on different rows till now. Any tips on how to do this?
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mike miller
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Re: BOM Get same part in the bom on different rows

Unread post by mike miller »

Maybe I'm daft but............what about adding another instance in the assembly (using a different but physically identical configuration) and hiding it? Or are you combining all instances of parts regardless of configuration?
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Re: BOM Get same part in the bom on different rows

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

I was thinking along the same line as @mike miller. Create a new configuration of the Part, that's otherwise identical, and change one of the Parts in the Assembly to this configuration.
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Re: BOM Get same part in the bom on different rows

Unread post by jcapriotti »

David Matula wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 2:58 pm Never really had to do this before. Need a part in the bom at item 20 and then again at the bottom.
I have learned how to keep stuff from showing up.
I have used assemblies to insert many parts by promoting.
Never had to have the same part # in the bom on different rows till now. Any tips on how to do this?
You could use the "Component reference" in Component Properties.
In the BOM you have to add the column "Component Reference", although you can hide it if you don't want to see it.
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Re: BOM Get same part in the bom on different rows

Unread post by IndianaDave »

What is the reason for doing this?
If we did this, the part would get ordered twice, or purchasing would at least call and ask us if it was a mistake...
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Re: BOM Get same part in the bom on different rows

Unread post by jcapriotti »

IndianaDave wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 10:59 am What is the reason for doing this?
If we did this, the part would get ordered twice, or purchasing would at least call and ask us if it was a mistake...
In complex configurable assemblies we often separate fastening hardware based on the component it goes with. There are rules associated with an optional component and its easier to say "if x = true, get Transformer and 4 screws".
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Re: BOM Get same part in the bom on different rows

Unread post by mp3-250 »

jcapriotti wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:42 pm In complex configurable assemblies we often separate fastening hardware based on the component it goes with. There are rules associated with an optional component and its easier to say "if x = true, get Transformer and 4 screws".
Have you tried intented BOM?
I think it require a dummy assembly to group the components in your case, but it depends on how your company is working ...
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Re: BOM Get same part in the bom on different rows

Unread post by gupta9665 »

Add a config to the part, add another instance in the assembly. And than in the BOM options use the first option.
Deepak Gupta
SOLIDWORKS Consultant/Blogger
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