ANSI Fit Designation Instead of Size

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ANSI Fit Designation Instead of Size

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

We're trying to improve our fit with tolerance workflow. What I'd rather do than list the hole and shaft tolerances, is to list the fit. For example, I want the dimension to read XXX LC6, instead of the available options of XXX H9/f8.
One workaround is to modify the dimension text and save it as a style named such as LC6. Then I can choose the style where I need it. However, this is problematic in that I'd have to do this in every file and for all the fits I want to use.

Anybody manage something like this? Is there a better way that I'm missing? Also, @Glenn Schroeder what do you do to manage your styles? I remember you mentioned you use them a lot.

And before I get yelled at for doing something non standard, believe me we have our reasons for doing it this way...And we don't make manufacturing drawings, so no yelling at me for that either, please...
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Re: ANSI Fit Designation Instead of Size

Unread post by SPerman »

I assume you could create a custom hole family in the wizard, and between that and modifying the 'CalloutFormat.txt" file, you could get where you wanted to go. That doesn't really help with existing models/drawings.
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Glenn Schroeder
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Re: ANSI Fit Designation Instead of Size

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

As far as I know saving Styles will be your best option. Since you asked how I manage mine, I only have two main drawing templates, with Styles saved in each one. Below is the Styles for the template I use most often (my dimensions are set to display in inches and fractions by default).

For a while I had Styles saved for converting fractions to decimals, from one place to four, but I found that I used it so seldom it wasn't worth having them take up space, so I deleted them. On the rare occasions where one or more parts will be machined so I have a number of dimensions that I want to call out in decimal I'll set up a Style and save it just in that one Drawing.


While I'm on the subject, in case anyone is interested the Note styles in the same Drawing template are shown below. With the exception of the View labels they're all linked to commonly used custom properties. Note 1a is a list of three commonly used drawing notes (1a, 1b, etc.), with the numeral linked to the sheet number. The "See 1a" Style is a note with a leader I can attach to a drawing view, and of course the numeral is also linked to the sheet number so it changes when needed.

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Re: ANSI Fit Designation Instead of Size

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

Thanks guys, I figured there wasn't a better solution...Looks like I'll modify our template, and have to remember to fix it when upgrading.
Darn it, I can't get the Hole Wizard holes in the drawing to append the text to the dimension box with a Style. Looks like to be consistent we'll have to do exactly as you state. I had something similar working some years ago. Looks like I'll have to dig that up and set it up again.
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