SE Enhancement Requests

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SE Enhancement Requests

Unread post by tsmith »

Does anyone know if there is a public list of the outstanding ER's for Solid Edge?

This thread on multiple materials in multibody parts calls out an ER... ... -some-love
Customer is requesting the ability to assign material types to each part within the multi-body part file. Not necessarily at the time of publishing to an assembly as in a previous request ER#7746240. Currently we do not permit more than one material assignment to each part file, regardless of the number of bodies in the file.
Or maybe this has been implemented already?

If I had a VAR, I would call and ask to pile on... but still learning and using the CE.
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Re: SE Enhancement Requests

Unread post by mike miller »

tsmith wrote: Mon Jan 24, 2022 3:25 am Does anyone know if there is a public list of the outstanding ER's for Solid Edge?

This thread on multiple materials in multibody parts calls out an ER... ... -some-love

Or maybe this has been implemented already?

If I had a VAR, I would call and ask to pile on... but still learning and using the CE.
Typical procedure is to submit ERs as a support ticket. Try it on Support Center and see what it tells you.

One side note, I will never vote for that ER. I've been burned too many times by SWX multi-body and cutlist issues to even desire a "feature" like that. Same goes for multiple thicknesses in one sheet metal part. The current SE gage table works way too well to risk messing it up for an inferior workflow. The ERs I'll get behind are regarding assembly editing, ST editing, and drafting UI.
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Re: SE Enhancement Requests

Unread post by tsmith »

Support Registration pending, we shall see.

Agreed, It is a huge flaw in the SW design system that you can design in multibody but that it then undermines the BOM's and Cut Lists. It also opens the door wide open for circular references (and awful performance) if you get too creative with the configurations.

Thanks for the link.
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Re: SE Enhancement Requests

Unread post by tsmith »

My access request was accepted and approved, but after some back and forth with Global Support, it's apparent that without being a paying customer you cannot see the innards of the support center.

Best they could do for me was the community support center... but they were very supportive and polite about it.
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