Toolbox- torx

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Toolbox- torx

Unread post by MattW »

There are some blog posts when SW2018 came out detailing how Torx fasteners were now included in toolbox in the ISO standard. We have ISO standard in our toolbox, but I am not finding the hexalobular folder. Has this been removed or is there a problem with our installation?
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Re: Toolbox- torx

Unread post by zwei »

Did a quick check with my standard sw2019 toolbox, it is there for me
Edit: Checked with 2018 too, it is there also
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Re: Toolbox- torx

Unread post by MattW »

Thanks for checking. We are on 2021, but I seem to recall checking earlier and not finding it. I'm wondering if it is because we have toolbox in PDM and it justs get updated and not reinstalled and so doesn't have the new standard.
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