SW claims that I use VSTA 1.0 macros. Why?

Lars Paal
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SW claims that I use VSTA 1.0 macros. Why?

Unread post by Lars Paal »

Hi everybody,
when I uncheck the option "use VSTA 3.0" in the SW options/common tab and hit OK. I get the attached message, saying, that I am attempting to use a SOLIDWORKS macro created using VSTA 1.0.
But, in my macro folder, there is no VSTA macro, only VBA. So, why is SW claiming that I have such a macro? Where is it searching for it. And if there is one, how can I find it?
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Re: SW claims that I use VSTA 1.0 macros. Why?

Unread post by JSculley »

Read this section of the SW API Help.
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