SSP-- Derived Part Sketch Relation Dangling after Update

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SSP-- Derived Part Sketch Relation Dangling after Update

Unread post by zwei »

So i came across something weird today... Unfortunately i cant share the part files

I was updating one of the sketch (Sketch A) in my SSP which is use to control one of my part (lets call it Part A). The update is pretty minor (just some minor dimension change).

The update got propagated to Part A without issue.

But for some reason, my other part (Part B) which use a separate sketch in the SSP (sketch B) then have issue. Several sketch constraints in Part B become dangling. Sketch B was not related to Sketch A at all in the SSP, and nothing had changed, but for some reason SOLIDWORKS just decide to greet me with its Christmas tree of failure o[

I thought something mess up with the reference, so i save a copy of Part B, open the copy and replace the reference SSP before opening with a backup SSP i have.... but somehow the issue is still there...

Have anyone came across something similar before?
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Re: SSP-- Derived Part Sketch Relation Dangling after Update

Unread post by gupta9665 »

Yes I've seen this issue with external references. And there is not a defined way to fix them. Just review each error and toggle them to see if that helps to fix.
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Re: SSP-- Derived Part Sketch Relation Dangling after Update

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

Yep, I too have run into this. Sketches aren't as robust as planes. I now try to use planes as much as possible to drive my parts.
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Re: SSP-- Derived Part Sketch Relation Dangling after Update

Unread post by Frederick_Law »

Its the usual entity ID change problem.
We'll think adding or deleting an entity will not change ID of other entities. SW doesn't work like that.
It looks like SW doesn't use unique ID. It use a sort or creation order.
So if you delete the first one, all entities after it will change ID.
Sometimes SW will decide to regen everything and completely mess up everything.
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Re: SSP-- Derived Part Sketch Relation Dangling after Update

Unread post by zwei »

Nothing was deleted... so i dont really understand why it mess up the internal ID...

Wait... now thinking back about it... i DID change a dimension to driven....but how is this affecting the internal ID ~~~~
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Re: SSP-- Derived Part Sketch Relation Dangling after Update

Unread post by mike miller »

Zhen-Wei Tee wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2022 7:14 am Nothing was deleted... so i dont really understand why it mess up the internal ID...

Wait... now thinking back about it... i DID change a dimension to driven....but how is this affecting the internal ID ~~~~
I've had similar things happen with Insert Part. In this case it was a form of master modelling where the geometry resides in a multibody part and is pulled into individual parts later. In one particular edit I changed a sketch dimension and a bunch of "unrelated" drawing dimensions failed. Nothing as frustrating as playing pick-up sticks with SWX dimensions when there is NO reason for them to have failed. o[
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Re: SSP-- Derived Part Sketch Relation Dangling after Update

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

mike miller wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2022 7:49 am I've had similar things happen with Insert Part. In this case it was a form of master modelling where the geometry resides in a multibody part and is pulled into individual parts later. In one particular edit I changed a sketch dimension and a bunch of "unrelated" drawing dimensions failed. Nothing as frustrating as playing pick-up sticks with SWX dimensions when there is NO reason for them to have failed. o[
Hah! I figured out your problem...Stop dimensioning everything...Those driving dimensions don't end up in your drawings, anyway...
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