Solidworks videos posted to youtube

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Solidworks videos posted to youtube

Unread post by matt »

I’ve posted a list of SolidWorks videos to my YouTube channel, on the SolidWorks play list. When you go there, scroll to the bottom for the new stuff, or you can sort by date added.

These videos are all introduction videos for chapters of my Mastering Solidworks book. They range from 5-15 minutes, and have varying levels of detail. Some of these you’ll need to check out for sure, and if you haven’t already, you might also want to buy the book to go along with the videos.

Some of these may answer your questions directly, or some may just point you in the right direction to keep looking for an answer. Anyway, check them out. They cover the range of topics you’ll find in the Solidworks software.

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Re: Solidworks videos posted to youtube

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

Thanks @matt!
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