Warning permission PDM

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Warning permission PDM

Unread post by SerDin »

Hello everyone, constantly when you close SolidWorks 2019, this message appears. I am the storage system administrator, I have all access rights... What can I do so that I and others do not have such a warning?
a response was received from the user:
This warning comes from the SOLIDWORKS Toolbox integration with SOLIDWORKS PDM. It points to some permission restriction to get proper toolbox access. The "Database" in this case is the toolbox browser database. I would recommend that you get this reported via your VAR for further troubleshooting

because The problem is tormenting me, tell me what to do?
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Re: Warning permission PDM

Unread post by bnemec »

Hi SerDin, sorry so much time went by with no responses at all. Hope you found a solution, but if not I'm going to try to bump.

We use PDM Pro but avoid the toolbox so I'm of no help. I think there are many references to the "toolbox" here. Many say don't use it other than the admin uses it to create part files that go in a parts/hardware library. Although it sounds like there were a few users that use toolbox and love it, I'm not sure if they're trying to use it in PDM.

Also there are blogs by VARs on the interwebs that cover toolbox and PDM and where to put the tool box database file, how to get it checked out for changes. IIRC that was part of the problem, SW doesn't know anything about PDM outside what function the PDM Add-in provides so the toolbox functionality sees the toolbox database file as any other file and doesn't tell PDM to check it out, heck SW doesn't even know it's in a vault, it just sees that the read only flag is set on the cached file. Honestly, it's a mess and I don't know if many bother trying to maintain the toolbox database file in the vault. But if it's not kept on a network share that all workstations have access to there's full potential to have multiple database files where the part in one is different for another. I think that's what leads many back to only allowing the admin or a hardware manager access to the toolbox then that person saves out the file to a standard parts library which can be in the vault.

All of this is off the top of my head so hopefully others jump in and correct any of my errors. (I'm relying on the strength of a group.)
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