Auto Dual Dimension for Metric Holes

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Auto Dual Dimension for Metric Holes

Unread post by Bradfordzzz »

Is it possible to have any metric holes be automatically called out as dual dimensions when making detail prints?
Its just one of those things we have to manually select each time, and i would love to be able to avoid doing this.

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Re: Auto Dual Dimension for Metric Holes

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

I'm pretty sure there isn't any out-of-the-box way to do that. There is one thing that might help (assuming your drawing is set to display as fractions instead of decimal). With your drawing open, go to Tools > Options > Document Properties > Units. Click on the top box in the "More" column and de-select "Round to Nearest Fraction."

By doing that any holes that are metric in the model will almost certainly show up as a decimal value on the drawing, since they will rarely be an even fraction of an inch. That way you're less likely to overlook them.

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Re: Auto Dual Dimension for Metric Holes

Unread post by josh »

I don't know of a setting to get only hole callouts for metric holes to automatically come in with dual dimensions. I believe it would be possible to write a macro that would check all hole callouts to see if they are attached to holes made using a metric standard and turn on dual dimensions for those callouts. It would also be possible to write a macro or add-in that would monitor for the creation of a hole callout and toggle dual dimensions if metric. However, that would require either running the macro when starting up SW (if a macro) or being sure the add-in loads at startup.
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Re: Auto Dual Dimension for Metric Holes

Unread post by Bradfordzzz »

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Very much appreciated
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