Solid Works Help

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Solid Works Help

Unread post by justinmack »

Hello I have to create this Part in Solid Works and I need help. I do not know how to do the circled section of the Part. Please help.

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Re: Solid Works Help

Unread post by bnemec »

Try your best bud. Probably not going to get to the bottom of all the different ways that can be done before class is over.

BTW, your last feature should probably be Mirror Body.
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Re: Solid Works Help

Unread post by AlexLachance »

You could use the chamber feature to input the desired dimensions when creating the chamfer by selecting a vertex.
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Re: Solid Works Help

Unread post by SPerman »

You need to figure out how to change the direction of an extruded cut.
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Re: Solid Works Help

Unread post by bnemec »

or define a plane by three points (or a line and one point), sketch a box, extrude cut.

There's just so many ways to do this.
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Re: Solid Works Help

Unread post by Dwight »


My recommendation is to present your attempts at a problem when asking for help, whether in a forum like this or in person - whatever. People will be much more inclined to give help, they will focus more precisely on the issues you find difficult, and you'll be more able to understand their replies.

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Re: Solid Works Help

Unread post by TTevolve »

There are many ways to do this, you need to pick one and try it out, if you don't like that then try a different way. Over time you will get a feel for how you want to do certain things and the benefits/drawbacks of doing things certain ways.
I created the rectangle solid, then cut away the to back corners, then made a plane at the angle on the front and extrude cut from it toward the front, then mirrored it to the other side. Add the slot and it's done.
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