I am trying to learn SW after several years using Catia.
Solid modelling seems to be pretty similar across most CAD packages, but surface modelling is a completely different thing, and I am totally lost in how to do things in SW. I'd like to ask you a couple of questions, and maybe you'll be able to show me what's the best way of working with SW for those cases.
- Question 1: Re-using surfaces for several different operations.
For context, in Catia, you can use the same surface over and over in several different operations, leading to several different children. In the same way you can use the same plane to create several sketches, or the same point to create several lines.
So, in my attempt, the final geometry I want to achieve looks like this:

The main thing I wanted to test here was the shape of the ribs, and how to trim them. So I approach this in the following way:
I created surface1, surface2 and fillet them together:

Then I gave it thickness and created the ribs:

I created an offset of Surface1. But I couldn't use surface2 to create another fillet, because it was already used to create another entity. So I couldn't trim the ribs to the desired shape.

I finally found a workaround by creating a 0mm offset of surface2.

Then I used that fillet to trim the ribs as per the picture above:

- Question 2: Replace elements (so all the children of the replaced one, are now updated to the new one):

If you've reached this far, thanks for sticking with me. I understand I might be trying to work like Catia in SW, that's why I'm trying to understand what's SW best way of working. It's very frustrating that all the tutorials out there, even books or paid courses are aimed at showing how the commands work, but not so many are focused in how to actually work with the software.
Thanks everyone