DXF Profile Outline

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DXF Profile Outline

Unread post by SeanS »

Hi. Hoping someone can assist.
I have a DXF File exported from a non CAD piece of software.
The DXF has many individual profiles on the same layer from which I'd like to automatically produce a new profile that represents the boundary formed by all the overlaid profiles i.e. a single profile forming the outside line described by all.

I'm using SolidEdge 2D Drafting 2023.

Does anyone know of a function/method that would help automate, rather than tracing the line manually.

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Re: DXF Profile Outline

Unread post by bnemec »

Is this artwork or something else? What tolerance do you need to maintain?

We've done some "artwork" on our lasers and it's often simpler to just create sketch(s) by hand.
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Re: DXF Profile Outline

Unread post by SeanS »

Hi bnemec.
Its a series of 40+ Polylines overlaid to a global centre. I'd like to trace the outside most profile. I could do manually be drawing a new profile, but that can be time consuming. Hence wishing to automate.
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Re: DXF Profile Outline

Unread post by bnemec »

yeah, sounds familiar. Can be done with API I suppose but the logic is way over my head.

Unless you have several dozen files like this to do it may be best to just sketch quick. When we got imported geometry like this there would be hundreds of tiny line segments, over lapping, gaps, doubles, etc. Just leave those on one sketch then start a new sketch on same plane. And match up curves.

Again, you didn't specify tolerance required when approximating a line or curve to existing polys. Also, it's not clear what the end goal is here. Since you're in 2d drafting I'm assuming you just want to export a clean dxf for some CNC machine? These things can affect what the best method will be.
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Re: DXF Profile Outline

Unread post by KennyG »

I think the only tool available that may help this is called "Clean Sketch". It is supposed to remove overlapped duplicated elements and elements under a user defined size (points and small fragments). Below is the Help page on the command:

https://docs.sw.siemens.com/en-US/doc/2 ... /xid452594
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