How to mark models with artikelnumber

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How to mark models with artikelnumber

Unread post by Hansjoerg »

What method do you use to label parts with the part number / artikelnumber?

I have considered and tried the following methods.
1. text as cut out
2. text as separated surface /split line
3. text as sketch
4. text as planar surface

Each of the possibilities has advantages and disadvantages:

1. cut out:
Can be stored completely as a library feature.
Lettering also readable in 3D printing process
Immediately visible on the drawing without further work steps.
In the drawing, dimensions for text position and text height can be added.
Visible in Step model

Bad for performance (can be eliminated with configuration drawing representation, but this again brings risks).
Additional surfaces and edges that could be accidentally selected when linking or measuring.

2. separated surface
Does not create quite as many geometry triangles as cut out, but still too many.
Not visible through the model
In the drawing, dimensions can be added for text position and text height

Not suitable for 3D printing.
Can destroy existing mates in the assembly because the surface ID changes.
In orthogonal drawing views only visible if tangential edges are displayed.
Not visible in Step model

3. sketch
Can be stored completely as a library feature.
No influence on the number of geometry triangles
Display of the label with a single line font
No additional edges and faces that can be accidentally selected when linking or measuring.

In the drawing the visibility of the sketch must be activated in the feature manager that it is displayed in the view.
In the 3D Model, the sketch shines through the models, which is very annoying when there are a lot of labels. (Can also be solved again with
Not suitable for 3D printing.
In the drawing no dimensions for text position and text height can be added.
Not visible in Step model

4.planar surface
Less influence on the number of geometry triangles.
Not visible through the model
In the drawing, dimensions for text position and text height can be added.
Visible in Step model (if created with offset)

Cannot be stored as a library feature.
Surface must be imported in the drawing as model items to be visible
The surface must be created with an offset to the surface it is on, otherwise there will be problems when displaying with hidden edges.

I have created all four methods each as a separate configuration of a component and have compared the four methods in an assembly in terms of performance with each other.
2023-03-03 19_08_54-SOLIDWORKS 2021 SP5.1 - [Vergleich Beschriftungen.SLDASM _].png
interesting that the rebuild time for <split surface> is higher (0.25) than for <cut out> 0.172 although <cut out> has almost twice as many geometry triangles

Does anyone know of any other possibilities methods? Which method do you use and why did you choose this method?
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Re: How to mark models with artikelnumber

Unread post by jcapriotti »

Is the text actually engraved/molded/cast into your part?

5th option is a label/decal.
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Re: How to mark models with artikelnumber

Unread post by bnemec »

Did you use the emboss feature for the split face or split face command?
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Re: How to mark models with artikelnumber

Unread post by Hansjoerg »

I have tried different methods for marking.
2023-03-07 08_44_41-SOLIDWORKS 2021 SP5.1 - [Part_with_labels.SLDPRT].png
I'll attach my trial part to the post.

I have never worked with decals before. How do you create the decals? Also, with the decals, can I grab the label from the custom properties?
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Re: How to mark models with artikelnumber

Unread post by JSculley »

Hansjoerg wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 2:47 am I have tried different methods for marking.
2023-03-07 08_44_41-SOLIDWORKS 2021 SP5.1 - [Part_with_labels.SLDPRT].png
I'll attach my trial part to the post.

I have never worked with decals before. How do you create the decals? Also, with the decals, can I grab the label from the custom properties?
Decals are image files, so they are static and can't be linked to properties. But I had the same thought as @jcapriotti about using decals, so I'm whipping up a test add-in that uses a macro feature to dynamically create and replace a decal on rebuild. From there, linking it to a custom property is pretty straightforward.
We'll see how it goes.
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Re: How to mark models with artikelnumber

Unread post by jcapriotti »

@Hansjoerg Labels are just a dumb image. You would have to create the image in an image editing software. For simple labels, we create them in a 2d SolidWorks drawing, save as PNG, then import the image to a decal in the model.

Something like Photoshop or Affinity Photo would probably be a better environment to create the images. However that's additional cost and know how.
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Re: How to mark models with artikelnumber

Unread post by Frederick_Law »

What is the purpose of part number on the part?
Do you need part number manufactured on the part?

In drawing, as soon as a part view is added, titleblock will have part number.

I use filename same as part number.

I usually cut/emboss the text on the part. Use simple fonts, Arial, Stencil.
I did one to layout machines in plant. Each machine has outline extruded and name embossed.
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Re: How to mark models with artikelnumber

Unread post by Hansjoerg »

@ JSculley I'm whipping up a test add-in that uses a macro feature....

Interesting, just starting to look into macro feature.

@ Frederick Law
If I display the label already on the part, I can check in the assembly if the number is also readable, or hidden by other parts.
With small assemblies in exploded view, a technician can assemble the parts in the correct arrangement without a parts list. This is especially important for wear parts sets.
But yes, in principle you are of course right, in most cases it would be enough to show on the drawing where the labeling should be.
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Re: How to mark models with artikelnumber

Unread post by Frederick_Law »

Hansjoerg wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 2:12 pm a technician can assemble the parts in the correct arrangement without a parts list
I use balloon with part number in drawing. Without a part list visible.
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