In case you skipped kindergarten, or maybe just forgot, let me spell it out a little:
- No personal attacks or disrespect toward groups of people. Except accordion players. I HATE accordion players. (refer to item 5 below).
- Keep all topics on-topic, with the exception of the Off-Topic topic. Wait... What?
- Treat everyone with respect. Please. Even if they are wrong.
- Politics, religion, racial and sexuality-related arguments are off-topic even in the off-topic area. I don't care who you are, where you're from or what you look like. I just want to hear about how you CAD.
- Don't copy/paste content out of the murdered SW forum, or post pdf printed copies. It's against their terms of use, and we don't need the hassle. We brought most of the brain power over here, and that's where most of that content came from anyhow.
- [SUGGESTION] Sarcasm can be noted as such: "[sarcasm]Circular references are considered best practice in my office[/sarcasm]." Or: Circular references are considered best practice in my office. (official sarcasm font color is #8000FF). Or: Circular References are considered best practice in my office
Remember that sarcasm is hard to convey in writing, and is very often misinterpreted in forums.
- [SUGGESTION] Don't eat the paste. That's the part I remember from kindergarten. Never thought I'd be able to use that bit of advice professionally, but I guess I was wrong.