Showing the base assembly

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Showing the base assembly

Unread post by rjt205 »

I have an @$$'y with multiple subassemblies. One of the subs is the main sub-@$$'y that every other gets mounted to. How can I get the main sub-@$$'y to show in all the other subs so I can show mounting. I know I can insert it into all the others but that seems cumbersome. Our BOM's are top level only. I hope this is clear.
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Glenn Schroeder
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Re: Showing the base assembly

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

If I understand correctly, and I'm not at all sure I do, you can do that from within your top level assembly (if I'm correct in understanding that this assembly contains all the others). Set up display states to show which components you want shown in the drawing, and reference those in your drawing views.
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Re: Showing the base assembly

Unread post by DanPihlaja »

I assume that you want to open the other sub assemblies on their own and still be able to see the main sub assembly. As far as I know, the only way to do that (other than editing them in context inside the main assembly), is to add the assembly you want to see.

(This is the way I would do it): Add the Sub assembly to all the other assemblies, but add it as an envelope component. ... elopes.htm
-Dan Pihlaja
Solidworks 2022 SP4

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