So, I'm now officially retired and am starting to do some things on my personal seat of SWx.
I've solved many of these issues at work, but that was then and this is now.
Just conversationally my work stuff was all done on a protected enclave protected by a very draconian NDA. No cross-pollination, ever.
So, I'm creating a drawing of a bracelet sizer to print off and roll up. It's a cone with rings for measuring the sizes of watch bands and stuff.
Yes, I know I can buy one off of pinterest for $15, but I'm an engineer, right?
Anyway all is well, but I've got two sets of borders in my drawing. I know I solved this once upon a time, but I'm pleading old timers disease on this one and have no idea how.
Here is a screen grab
Can someone please shed some light on what I have buggered up?