@MJuric I'll just give my thoughts on this type of software in general. I've not used SolidWorks Costing. Our company did invest in and use a similar software called APriori a few years back. It does a similar function and had more capabilities than the SolidWorks Costing module did.....at least 10 years ago.
The principal was similar. Create materials, manufacturing processes (machining, bending, assembly), routings, etc for your manufacturing in a database, then in the software, map that to your part. APriori was standalone, so we imported STEP files. It had its own built in viewer and parts tree, then you mapped processes. It had some automation to try and auto map. Wasn't great but worked ok in some instances.
We dropped it around 2017. The reasons:
- It was really expensive. Part of that was Apriori would keep a database of materials, standard processes, and their costs up to date per quarter.
- You really need someone dedicated to setting it up and maintaining it. Depending on company size, this can be a full time job to keep up with changes to your processes. Also, Apriori standard database of costs may not apply to all of your companies materials, processes and need tweaking.
- The complexity of setting up models and assemblies for costing was complicated enough that you needed people doing it all the time to be any good at it.
Our company just wasn't committed on the last 2 points.