After my boss pretty much hassled me into reading it, I spent the weekend reading "7 habits of highly effective people". It was a very interesting read but it's about something I already put into practice so there wasn't much to learn but rather to remember and reinforce. I particularly liked the beginning of the book that speaks of paradigms, it was a nice way to introduce the subject to open the mind of the person to the wide array of possibility.
I just started reading "The Toyota way", another book my boss has advised me to read. I gotta say, I love everything that revolves around lean processing and manifacturing so the beginning has got me quite thrilled as I can very easily see myself in the situation that it introduces.
I also have 12 Rules to Life by Jordan Peterson sitting on my nightstand, waiting for me to read it. It's a bit of a thick book so I'm not sure if I'll ever get through it

What kind of books do you guys like reading and what are you currently reading?