SW simulation mesh creation failure

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SW simulation mesh creation failure

Unread post by bdokertur666 »

I have a simulation that cannot create a mesh for some parts.

As you will see in photos these are pipes basically, but whenever SW treats these as beams I have other problems as I don't have standard type joints as these are cut by other parts at the end.

So I converted all of it to solids and also using smaller mesh triangle settings but still, I have missing parts.

Why do you think this might happen and what do you recommend.

As this should be a classified document, I cannot share the SW model but I can only share the screenshots anyway.. :)

If you can also just share how to set up a model before the analysis for me to get used to the proper setup, it would be also helpful.

Thanks in advance..
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Re: SW simulation mesh creation failure

Unread post by JSculley »

Try excluding all but one body from the analysis and then mesh. Add bodies back a few at a time until the mesh fails. This may help you figure out what geometry is causing the problem.
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