Flat Pattern chopping off mirrored miter flanges

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Flat Pattern chopping off mirrored miter flanges

Unread post by takedownca »

For some reason the flat pattern is cropping 3 of 4 mirrored miter flanges. One flange is correct, but three of them are missing the last bend. The part looks fine pre flat pattern. I can also manually unfold the mirrored flanges just fine as well. Correction: unfolding the disappearing bends makes them disappear. The only difference I can see between the mirrored miter flange that flattened properly and the other 3 is that the former also happens to correspond to the edge that was used as the seed/primary edge for the miter flange, and the former are the additional edges that were selected.

In the end the flat pattern is only for reference, but I'd hate for the S/M vendor to get hung up on it while quoting or fabricating. Thanks for any help.

Flat Pattern

Flat Pattern Bend List

Seed Miter Flange

Mirrored Miter Flange
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Re: Flat Pattern chopping off mirrored miter flanges

Unread post by matt »

Is there any chance the missing panels somehow got a different thickness or a face that isn't flat? Or possibly there is some feature order strangeness or something suppressed via configurations?
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Re: Flat Pattern chopping off mirrored miter flanges

Unread post by takedownca »

Hi Matt. Sorry, I just saw your reply. I don't believe there was a different thickness applied anywhere. There was only one body and one Sheet-Metal feature. The order was also pretty straightforward, and everything rebuilt fine except for the Flat-Pattern feature. I ended up working around it by applying a separate Miter Flange feature on the other side that referenced the original miter sketch to maintain the dependency. A little more work, but that's how it goes.
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