File (sldprt) won't Save.

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File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by Damo »

Hi All.

I have come across this issue a couple of times over the years, but this particular one is problematic for me as I would really rather not simply delete it and recreate it as I have done in the past.
Essentially, I will close a "Part" file, (AFAIK, it only happens to part files.) the save dialog pops up dutifully reminding me to save my work, as it should, and I agree.
But nothing happens.. The file does not save, the file does not close, and the assembly with the file in it also will not save either, unless I supress or delete the part from the assembly.
The little asterisk in the header bar does not go away like it should after saving either.

I have tried every known method (that I am aware of, to save the file.
I tried "Save As" to a different filename. And to a different location, and to a different drive.
Alas to no avail.

Has anyone here also experienced this..? and how did you get around it.?, without scrapping it and redoing it all.!
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by rothers »

To give us a clue what version of SW is this with ?
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by Damo »

rothers wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:35 am To give us a clue what version of SW is this with ?
I've experienced this with more than one version.
I'm currently dealing with a 2016 assewmbly and files..

But 2021 has done it to me too
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by rothers »

Have you been inserting and deleting base parts in a derived part ?

2016 SP0 has a nasty bug where if you insert a part and then delete it the derived part file won't save, supposted to be fixed in later service packs.
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by Damo »

rothers wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 9:02 am Have you been inserting and deleting base parts in a derived part ?

2016 SP0 has a nasty bug where if you insert a part and then delete it the derived part file won't save, supposted to be fixed in later service packs.
rothers wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 9:02 am Have you been inserting and deleting base parts in a derived part ?

2016 SP0 has a nasty bug where if you insert a part and then delete it the derived part file won't save, supposted to be fixed in later service packs.
I believe you my good sir, have nailed it.
Armed with this insight, I've done a couple of experiments.. And as it happens, yes.
If I insert a part into another part, which I do indeed do from time-to-time for various reasons, and then delete that derived/inserted part, the main part file will not save. Nor will any assembly that this offending part resides within, all the way up to the "Top-Level".
I am currently experiencing this on SW 2016 vers.
I can confirm this particular reason on this particular file is not occurring on SW 2021 vers. (I will need to investigate further as to why I have had 2021 files not save).
A workaround I have implemented, is do not delete the derived part, suppress.. :roll:

Thanku rothers
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

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Check your checked messages to not show again. IMO the issue comes from a checked message.
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by MJuric »

Damo wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 2:56 am Hi All.

I have come across this issue a couple of times over the years, but this particular one is problematic for me as I would really rather not simply delete it and recreate it as I have done in the past.
Essentially, I will close a "Part" file, (AFAIK, it only happens to part files.) the save dialog pops up dutifully reminding me to save my work, as it should, and I agree.
But nothing happens.. The file does not save, the file does not close, and the assembly with the file in it also will not save either, unless I supress or delete the part from the assembly.
The little asterisk in the header bar does not go away like it should after saving either.

I have tried every known method (that I am aware of, to save the file.
I tried "Save As" to a different filename. And to a different location, and to a different drive.
Alas to no avail.

Has anyone here also experienced this..? and how did you get around it.?, without scrapping it and redoing it all.!
Are you running PDM?
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by Damo »

AlexLachance wrote: Thu Sep 30, 2021 8:01 am Damo,

Check your checked messages to not show again. IMO the issue comes from a checked message.

Interesting.. Which message would I be looking for.. :?:
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by RichGergely »

Try turning off autosave/recovery options, this can often clear the problem but obviously you lose recovery options if Solidworks crashes.

If this does fix it, I would guess, something buggy is happening with either multi installs, drives or permissions not working correct.
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by Damo »

MJuric wrote: Thu Sep 30, 2021 8:29 am Are you running PDM?

Nope.. No PDM. Other than the basic file utility functions with Professional..

And, I do not use "cloud" or networked server installs.
All files are save locally on my machine and read and write directly from a SSD inside my computer box.
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

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RichGergely wrote: Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:04 am Try turning off autosave/recovery options, this can often clear the problem but obviously you lose recovery options if Solidworks crashes.

If this does fix it, I would guess, something buggy is happening with either multi installs, drives or permissions not working correct.
I have turned off Autosave/Recovery some years back and have not used it since.
I've not really missed it either. Maybe once or twice over several years have I lost significant amounts of work from software crashing.
I habitually click "Save All" maaaaany times an day. :)

I do have multiple install tho, is this really a big issue.?
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by AlexLachance »

Damo wrote: Thu Sep 30, 2021 7:23 pm Alex.

Interesting.. Which message would I be looking for.. :?:
There could be a few in that list causing issues, but I'd try clearing any that speak of save and then retry saving your part and see if it works.
I honestly try to keep that list as short as possible because SolidWorks is just bad.
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by zxys001 »

..I recall this happening many years ago... do a search on deleting files with the "$" sign, they're usually hidden. They are temp files which are locked.. so maybe, just maybe you are trying to write over existing names which were locked ($)?
They are usually in your local folders but also clean out your /TEMP directories
Doing a repair may help but doing a "clean" reinstall of SolidWorks is suggested.
Or, a refresh of the OS... then lastly, reinstall/reset the OS if you can to remove all doubt.

Oh,.. check "write" access? (it happens)
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Re: File (sldprt) won't Save.

Unread post by Jim Steinmeyer »

RichGergely wrote: Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:04 am Try turning off autosave/recovery options, this can often clear the problem but obviously you lose recovery options if Solidworks crashes.

If this does fix it, I would guess, something buggy is happening with either multi installs, drives or permissions not working correct.
This was the solution that worked for us with this problem back when we were running 2016.
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