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Random not saving to PDM?
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:08 pm
by MJuric
So is there some magical formula that Solidworks uses to decide when it will save something to the PDM and when it won't? I've never had this issue with actual solidowrks parts other than the occasion "This part already exists" when it doesn't. However with other programs I fairly regularly save something and when I go to get it....not there. It's also seemingly random although once it's broke it stays broke until it decides it wants to save again.
Example. I'm developing a couple Tool Cribs in CAMWorks. To do so you have to save the model as either a Tool Holder or Tool, .mt or .mh file extension. Sometimes when I save the file directly to the PDM it actually saves it. Other times...nope. I have to save it on my local drive and copy it. As noted above once it stops saving...done.
Anyone else see this?
Re: Random not saving to PDM?
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:18 pm
by jcapriotti
Do you mean its not adding the files to the vault, they just show as local files in the vault folder? If so, yeah, I've seen when some program create files in the background automatically, the vault doesn't pick them up. You just have to right click them and select "add to vault" manually.
Re: Random not saving to PDM?
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:13 pm
by Diaval
PDM *should* automatically add to the vault any files that are saved via a Save As dialog, however some programs use custom save as dialogs that are not integrated into the Explorer shell which can cause problems with this automatic add mechanism.
You can try adding your file types to the Adding Files section of the User Settings dialog*. I note that the .mt and .mh file types are not there by default. You should also add any file extensions from other applications that have exhibited this problem. This should help force the automatic add to the vault on save for these file types.
If the file did get saved as a local file and you are not seeing it showing in the vault view, you can check the Explorer section of the User Settings dialog and see if you have "Show only files that are part of the vault" selected. Some users use this option to stop seeing the temporary files created when files are open in SolidWorks.
*To get to User Settings, login to the vault in the Administration tool, expand the Users node, RMB on the user and select Settings. Note that all users have permissions to view their own settings but you must have the Administrative permission "Can administrate users" to be able to change any settings.