controlling sketch picture in configed part

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controlling sketch picture in configed part

Unread post by colt »

Today I found out that a sketch picture's position, scale, and rotation are automatically configured. Anyone know how to control this or force all configs to have the same picture parameters?
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Re: controlling sketch picture in configed part

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

Hey @colt,
I'm not sure if you can grab those properties with the API, but if it can be done, I'd guess you'd use a macro to do it. Maybe move this to the API/Macro section? Hey @gupta9665 and @josh, either one of you know how to do this?
I can see that you can insert a sketch picture with a macro, but I don't see where you can move it or resize it: ... ture2.html
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Re: controlling sketch picture in configed part

Unread post by DanPihlaja »

I am using SW 2018 SP5. I have messed with the sketch picture a bunch of ways.

No matter what I do, if I change the location or angle of the picture, it is updated for all configurations. I cannot configure it at all.

How are you doing it?
Are you using the command "Sketch Picture"?
-Dan Pihlaja
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Re: controlling sketch picture in configed part

Unread post by colt »

Thanks for the help. @dpihlaja I have the same exact version and only lose synchronization when I edit the sketch picture from the context of different configs. It was very confusing as I was not expecting it.

The gif takes a while to load
Side question, is it possible to embed mp4 in viewer?
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Re: controlling sketch picture in configed part

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

colt wrote: Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:32 am Thanks for the help. @dpihlaja I have the same exact version and only lose synchronization when I edit the sketch picture from the context of different configs. It was very confusing as I was not expecting it.

The gif takes a while to load
Side question, is it possible to embed mp4 in viewer?
If you want to reduce the file size for the videos, try resizing the SW window and use something like Screen to Gif (if you can't do it with the Nvidia tool) and only capture the smaller window. The gif file size is huge when you capture a whole 4k screen when it doesn't need to be.
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Re: controlling sketch picture in configed part

Unread post by colt »

@mattpeneguy I downsampled my video to 1920x1080 and created gif using ffmpeg but it was still massive. I will look into screen to gif. So the only way to embed mp4 would to be to upload on another site and then point the media element to url?
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Re: controlling sketch picture in configed part

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

colt wrote: Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:25 pm @mattpeneguy I downsampled my video to 1920x1080 and created gif using ffmpeg but it was still massive. I will look into screen to gif. So the only way to embed mp4 would to be to upload on another site and then point the media element to url?
@matt set the max file size to 50MB. So, I don't think he has set it to where you can't upload mp4s, but the file size is probably too large for your particular file.
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Re: controlling sketch picture in configed part

Unread post by DanPihlaja »

colt wrote: Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:32 am Thanks for the help. @dpihlaja I have the same exact version and only lose synchronization when I edit the sketch picture from the context of different configs. It was very confusing as I was not expecting it.

The gif takes a while to load
Side question, is it possible to embed mp4 in viewer?
So, what if you do the same exact thing in your video, but instead of hitting the rebuild button, you hit CTRL Q instead?

Because I am guessing that you cannot configure sketch pictures.

Probably the best way of going about it (IMO) is to create 2 sketches. Each with the picture how you want it. Then control the suppression state of the sketches relative to your configuration.
-Dan Pihlaja
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Re: controlling sketch picture in configed part

Unread post by colt »

In the video I was hitting ctl-q before hitting rebuild button. I do not have approved graphics card so that could be a factor. Saving and reopening the assembly still shows the pictures in same locations.

My part had 20 configs so I ended up making a separate part in the assembly to house my sketch picture, then I mated it to the surface where the sketch picture was. Then did copy with mates for every config I wanted to attach it to. A little tedious but now it updates all instances.
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