Sgma Tube

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Sgma Tube

Unread post by JustinP »

Can we add a Sigma Tube place? Are there other users of sigma tube?
Seems to be a pretty janky piece of software on my suppers PC and I'd like to try and iron out some of the wrinkles
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Re: Sgma Tube

Unread post by MJuric »

JustinP wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 11:19 am Can we add a Sigma Tube place? Are there other users of sigma tube?
Seems to be a pretty janky piece of software on my suppers PC and I'd like to try and iron out some of the wrinkles
Probably under CAM is where I would put Sigma related questions. Probably not many users here...well or anywhere for that software :-)

We use SigmaNest at our sister company. I spent some time writing some filters for them so they could cut our SW weldments without having us have to send them individual models for each part in the file. They used it, it worked. A couple months later we sent them another file to cut...

Them: "We need individual files for each part"
Me: "Why aren't you using the filter I made and trained you on?"
Them: "We don't remember how to use it"
Me: "Figure it out"
Them: "We just can't remember....can you send us individual files for all the parts?"

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Re: Sgma Tube

Unread post by bnemec »

MJuric wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:41 pm Probably under CAM is where I would put Sigma related questions. Probably not many users here...well or anywhere for that software :-)

We use SigmaNest at our sister company. I spent some time writing some filters for them so they could cut our SW weldments without having us have to send them individual models for each part in the file. They used it, it worked. A couple months later we sent them another file to cut...

Them: "We need individual files for each part"
Me: "Why aren't you using the filter I made and trained you on?"
Them: "We don't remember how to use it"
Me: "Figure it out"
Them: "We just can't remember....can you send us individual files for all the parts?"

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