Centerpoint arcs always created with radius dimension

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Centerpoint arcs always created with radius dimension

Unread post by RedSter »

Hi all,
My sketch centerpoint arcs and centerpoint arc slots are ALWAYS created with an automatic radius dimension. They are the only sketch entity affected, and this behavior happens regardless of System Options/Sketch/Enable on screen numeric input on entity creation OR Create dimension only when value is entered. I would like the arcs to generate without a dimension controlling the radius/diameter so I can drag them around before dimensioning them. Using SW2020 SP5.0.

This has started happening on three separate computers I use for work, yet I can't find documentation for this issue online. Has anyone else run into this? Thanks.
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Re: Centerpoint arcs always created with radius dimension

Unread post by jcapriotti »

It's remembering this setting from last use.
If you turn off "Enable on screen numeric input" the option no longer shows in the property manager but it's still checked and adds the dimension.
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Re: Centerpoint arcs always created with radius dimension

Unread post by RedSter »

Exactly what I was looking for, worked a treat. Thank you!
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Re: Centerpoint arcs always created with radius dimension

Unread post by Lucas »

There are also these options available, pretty handy
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