IronCAD users out there?

Discussion about IronCAD and/or sister product or parent company CAXA as well as previous names such as Trispectives
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IronCAD users out there?

Unread post by matt »

Are there any IronCAD users out there?

I've got a 30 day license and I'm wading through some of the videos. Some are better than others. I came across some terms I'd like to know more about. "Innovative" vs "Structured". This seems to be like Solid Edge Synchronous vs Ordered or SW's Dumb Solid vs History tree. How do you use these modes? Any comments on usability or advantages/disadvantages?

Does anyone have any Insight as to why IronCAD is not a bigger player in the CAD market today?
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Re: IronCAD users out there?

Unread post by berg_lauritz »

Wow, I looked at it by accident. This is the future of 3D Designing - the whole approach is imho correct.

I did not look at any meshing/surfacing/sheet metal capabilities though nor did I look at anything regarding simulation/CAM.

Still - it's like using a constant feature library/blocks library on steroids without any history based failures. Holy smokes!
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