SWLoginClientCLR.pdb SEHexception
Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:04 am
Hi all.
While debuging my solidworks addin, i got such exception:
Exception thrown: 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' in SWLoginClientCLR.dll
Behind exception window apears such wisual studio window: I can not find anything about it in google. (especialy when old soliworks forum is destroyed)
Excepton apears only when debug starts. Addin dll file compiles and works whithout trowing exception.
This exception started after migration from Solidworks 2017 whithout pdm to 2018 whith pdm 2020.
Most strange thing is SWLoginClientCLR.dll not included in references or imports.
While debuging my solidworks addin, i got such exception:
Exception thrown: 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' in SWLoginClientCLR.dll
Behind exception window apears such wisual studio window: I can not find anything about it in google. (especialy when old soliworks forum is destroyed)
Excepton apears only when debug starts. Addin dll file compiles and works whithout trowing exception.
This exception started after migration from Solidworks 2017 whithout pdm to 2018 whith pdm 2020.
Most strange thing is SWLoginClientCLR.dll not included in references or imports.