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PDM add-in message box hiding behind transition progress window

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:43 pm
by MMartens
I am writing a PDM add-in to catch when files finish going through a certain transition. Upon completion of the actions I am bringing up a message box to notify the user of completion.

The issue I am having is the transition progress window is still showing when the msgbox opens causing the msgbox to be behind the transition progress window, barely visible. Here is the line of code I use to send the message box...

iVault.MsgBox(poCmd.mlParentWnd, message , EdmMBoxType.EdmMbt_OKOnly, Caption)

The API help file ... Redirect=1 is completely blank. Does anyone have any tricks for getting the msgbox to show in the foreground so it isn’t hidden?

Re: PDM add-in message box hiding behind transition progress window

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:53 pm
by bnemec
What happened to the other thread?

Re: PDM add-in message box hiding behind transition progress window

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:38 pm
by MMartens
It's still there. I wanted to get this in the API forum in case there are any heavy API users following over here. I couldn't find how to move it to a different section so I created a new topic.