Another 5% issue

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Glenn Schroeder
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Another 5% issue

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

Here's another issue of a new Enhancement where I believe the implementation has room for improvement. When doing a linear pattern, it's great that we can skip or modify an instance. However, when we select the box for either one in the property manager, why do we get the pop-up asking if we want to skip the instance or modify it?

If I clicked in the "Skipped instances" box I probably want to skip the instance, and if I clicked in the "Modified instances" it's a reasonable assumption that I want to modify the instance. Unless someone sees something I don't it's just one more click every time I select a component, with absolutely no benefit.

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Re: Another 5% issue

Unread post by AngryPictureDrawer2 »

ahhh but what if you wanted to modify it, then skip it.
or more importantly what if you wanted to skip it and modify it.

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Re: Another 5% issue

Unread post by TTevolve »

AngryPictureDrawer2 wrote: Thu May 12, 2022 2:51 pm ahhh but what if you wanted to modify it, then skip it.
or more importantly what if you wanted to skip it and modify it.

all sarq
Yea, never know when you might need to modify something your not going to show
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Re: Another 5% issue

Unread post by jcapriotti »

This one I'm a bit torn on how it should work. Ideally for me the points should always be visible with the popup to modify or skip. As it is now the points only show up when you highlight the box for skip or modify.
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Re: Another 5% issue

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

jcapriotti wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 5:12 pm This one I'm a bit torn on how it should work. Ideally for me the points should always be visible with the popup to modify or skip. As it is now the points only show up when you highlight the box for skip or modify.
I know this is old, but why do you want the points there all the time? I like that they don't show unless I want them, but maybe there's a reason I haven't thought of.
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Re: Another 5% issue

Unread post by TTevolve »

I had a similar issue the other day, I wanted to pattern some stair steps, can't do it as a linear pattern, without doing both X & Y direction and then slipping instances. Why couldn't the linear pattern go X & Y direction at the same time, it's still linear, just not along an axis. I ended up using a sketch pattern. I was trying this as our CAD software does it this way, you just put in a zero for the distance in either X or Y if you want to go horizontal or vertical.
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Re: Another 5% issue

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

TTevolve wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 3:28 pm . . . Why couldn't the linear pattern go X & Y direction at the same time, it's still linear, just not along an axis. I ended up using a sketch pattern. I was trying this as our CAD software does it this way, you just put in a zero for the distance in either X or Y if you want to go horizontal or vertical.
You should be able to sketch a line at whatever angle you need and use that to drive the linear pattern.
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Re: Another 5% issue

Unread post by Uncle_Hairball »

TTevolve wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 8:59 am Yea, never know when you might need to modify something your not going to show
Now that's funny!
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