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How do I make sketches vanish from configurations?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:35 pm
by KSHansen
I'm working with someone else's model. I created twenty configurations before I realized there were two sketches that were not hidden, and they are visible in all my assembly configs. I have to find them in the feature tree and hide them, separately for each configuration. Is there a way to hide them in all configurations at once?

I see that there is a button to turn off display of all sketches, but can they actually be hidden in the model, while leaving others showing?

Re: How do I make sketches vanish from configurations?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 4:27 pm
by jcapriotti
I'm assuming that your "Display States" are linked to your configurations? If so, there is a Display State created and linked to each of your 20 configurations and that's where the visibility of feature tree references are stored. Unless you need to have different colors/appearances for each configuration, I recommend unlinking it so there is only one Display State.
If you need to keep them linked, I posted this old macro ( I didn't write it) here in the macro forum.

Re: How do I make sketches vanish from configurations?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 5:34 pm
by KSHansen
The model does have the different configurations in different colors. So assuming I want to keep it that way, how do I select a display state, to have it show up on the properties tab?

Re: How do I make sketches vanish from configurations?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 6:21 pm
by jcapriotti
If you have them linked...then no need. You can run the macro on the part and check the box "All configurations".

Re: How do I make sketches vanish from configurations?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:11 pm
by DanPihlaja
Here's what I do, in this order.....and honestly it doesn't take that much time.

1) CTRL + T (switches the history tree into flat tree view & exposes all the sketches that aren't part of a hole wizard)

2) Select top level and hit the * key. (this expands the hole wizard holes (and other such things))

3) Hit the little carat to expand the display pane (or hit F8)
image.png (21.42 KiB) Viewed 862 times
4) Then walk down the "Hide" column and click hide for all the sketches that are shown
5) I do this for each configuration (I generally only have 10 or if you have might still be super tedious)

6) Once I am done, I hit SHIFT + C to collapse the tree again.

7) Hit CTRL + T again to take the tree out of flat tree view again.

8) Go have coffee.