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Feature Manager Design Tree goes blank sometimes

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:13 am
by bnemec
Sometimes the Feature Manager Design Tree is blank in SW. I haven't figured out a pattern to it, seems random. I have not figured out what fixes it; sometimes rebuild the model, sometimes close and reopen the file fixes it sometimes not, sometimes I have to close SW. I don't like the "transparent flyout feature manager" so I have that unchecked in settings-> FeatureManager tab; in the screen shot it shows up but it's broken, it will not drop down.

It's not tied to any one file, can switch to other files that are open and its fine. Kinda, for example this time I have a couple models open and couple of drawings. If I switch to a drawing the normal docked feature manager is populated with sheets and views like normal, but the broken flyout is there except it will expand and shows sheets and blocks, etc. I thought the flyout is only for parts/assembly files?

The other drawing seems fine, no flyout (as expected) and the feature manager tree is fine. Then in the other model the Feature Manager Design Tree is blank but the flyout is populated and functions.

The whole feature manager goes bonkers sometimes. The behavior is seldom exactly the same, like this time switching between files gives a strange mix of function. Sometimes all the other files are as expected, sometimes they're all messed up.

We're on 2019 SP4 only add-in thats loaded is the PDM add-in.

Such a waste of time. Usually, I just try to ignore it until I can muddle through what I need done then close SW. Such a frustrating piece of crap.

Have others enjoyed this behavior? Did anyone find a root cause?


Re: Feature Manager Design Tree goes blank sometimes

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:14 am
by AlexLachance
I've seen that a while ago but never in a drawing, it would happen in parts/assemblies. Toggling tabs would fix the issue.

Re: Feature Manager Design Tree goes blank sometimes

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:25 am
by Glenn Schroeder
I've never seen that issue, but I've had other things happen that apparently didn't happen to anyone else (like clicking on a Toolbox part in an Assembly causing a crash every stinking time, which is why I abandoned Toolbox about ten years ago). I'm convinced it plays tricks on us to keep itself amused.

Re: Feature Manager Design Tree goes blank sometimes

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:54 pm
by AngryPictureDrawer2
Ive seen it in part or assembly space, if you type anything into the search bar and back space it out it comes back.