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Toolbar Display Issue

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 4:14 am
by dave.laban
Hive mind help please - got a support call in with my VAR on this but just wanted to get a feel for how widespread this might be (currently experiencing in SW21 and '23).

If I have a Toolbar docked next to my Command Manager, which causes the Command Manager to truncate in length (Sketch tab is typically longest), the icon/s in what should be the drop down menu aren't shown;
image.png (10.39 KiB) Viewed 710 times
This happens if SolidWorks is on my 2nd or 3rd displays, which (perhaps unusually?) are to the left of my 1st display.
If SolidWorks is on display 1, it shows fine. If I span SW across two monitors, the flyout menu works if it's on Monitor 1 but fails on Monitor 2. If I move display 2 and 3 to the right of display 1, it displays fine.
image.png (10.98 KiB) Viewed 710 times
What seems to be happening is that as soon as that flyout is in the negative side of the X-axis that defines the desktop (as 0,0 is the bottom left of monitor 1) this flyout stops working.

I'd be super appreciative if some of you could arrange your secondary monitors to the left of monitor 1 and see if you can replicate the behaviour, and report back SW version and graphics card + driver.


Re: Toolbar Display Issue

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:45 am
by Frank_Oostendorp
Did you try it with only two displays? I use only two identical displays and do not have the problem with the flyout menu.
Display 2 on the left, SolidWorks 2019 SP3.0 and SolidWorks 2023 SP1.0, NVIDIA Quadro P4000 with

Re: Toolbar Display Issue

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:52 am
by dave.laban
Yeah I get the same with only two displays. Never had an issue on 2019 as the Command Manager would never truncate like that (which is another bugbear, it's only dropping one icon which is the same width as the Expand Menu button!).

Re: Toolbar Display Issue

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:34 am
by Frederick_Law
Do you use display scaling?
Scaling only work on Primary screen. Unless all other screens are same resolution and scale.

Re: Toolbar Display Issue

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:39 am
by dave.laban
100% scaling on all monitors.

My two externals are 1920x1080, laptop is 1600x900. However even having all three as 1920x1080, the problem persists.

Problem persists even if I plug directly in to the laptop rather than through Thunderbolt dock.

Have also tweaked the BIOS to ensure the Quadro is the only graphics card active, to no avail.

Resetting SW registry doesn't fix it either.

VAR could repeat on their setup (also laptop + two external monitors) so not completely personal to me.

Happens on both R460 and R470 drivers (which are the recommended ones for SW2021 for my card).