Different results from 'performance evaluation (parts)'

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Different results from 'performance evaluation (parts)'

Unread post by Monsieur »

For my company I'm optimizing the loading time of some frequently used parts so people can work quicker in large assemblies. For measuring how long a part needs to load I make use of the 'Performance evaluation (parts)' tool. I've noticed that the results I get from this tool differ depending where (from home on my laptop, on a pc in the office, using a laptop on random places in the office) I work. This is strange to me because I use a remote desktop on all devices.

Could anyone explain to me what the loading time difference comes from? Does it maybe have something to do with internet connection?

Thanks for helping!
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Re: Different results from 'performance evaluation (parts)'

Unread post by mp3-250 »

are the files local on the remote connection machine?
is there some scheduled antivirus running on the remote machine? rhis could affect the reading time in certain hours.
Do you close SW before reloading the file again otherwise it get cached in memory.
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