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change state for child references in WIP along with drawing in WIP

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 11:31 am
by abhiramicg
I have a unique request from my users. They would like to NOT have all child references state change with the drawing/parent file EXCEPT the ones in WIP. For ex: say a designer changes two parts and the top-level drawing of an assembly, they want the state change to automatically choose only those three files (not all the other references). From what I understand, at the moment we can only have an "all or none" situation with state change for child references via the reference dialog box. I know the files can be manually selected for state change in the dialog box, but I wanted to see if any of you had tried something nifty to get around this.

Thanks in advance.

Re: change state for child references in WIP along with drawing in WIP

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:38 am
by AlexB
The only nifty workaround I can think of is a bit of custom code via a PDM add-in. The selection set can be modified pretty easily with code. However, a non-programming solution is probably not possible.

Re: change state for child references in WIP along with drawing in WIP

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 11:37 am
by bnemec
A state change action (with the select children option active) will grab all referenced files that are in a state that has a transition with the exact same name. Without knowing the workflow this can be hard to help with, but I wonder what transition are they doing from WIP that there are states other than WIP with transition(s) with exact same name.