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Document Manager API XML streams questions

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:21 pm
by rodface
Greetings, I have recently started exploring the XML stream functionality of the SWDM. I was curious if anyone is aware of a reliable means of identifying virtual parts in the XML file. For example, a file reports 0 references through conventional API methods; but open extracting the XML, it contains hundreds of virtual part references with paths into the user appdata folder and filenames with the ^ character. Evidently I cannot simply extract the XML file and assume that the SwFile list is always going to be real documents. Perhaps there will also be cases with a mix of real and virtual documents that must be handled.

Extracting the XML is a great deal faster than the conventional reference extraction so hopefully someone is aware of a way in which the virtual files can be detected. If not I will need to use both methods together always. There can also be a failure case where there is a corrupt or missing XML stream and thus no data can be extracted that way.
