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Fun with PDM Add-in versions

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2024 5:40 pm
by bnemec
I confuse myself when testing pdm add-ins. I should really know better from the last time, but I still make idiotic mistakes. Should probably keep this to myself, but.

I just learned that I can launch a task using one version of an add-in then run the task on another version of the add-in. I launched the add-in on my development machine so I could attach debugger to it. Yes I remembered, this time, to close the admin tool and exit pdm to force reload of the add-in dlls on this one machine. So task launch went fine and debugged fine. Then I waited and waited for the pop-up from the OnRun method to tell me to attach debugger to TastExecuter process. It never came. Go look at task list and it's finished already with a mixed bag of expected task log string. Fortunately, the task logs the host name in launch and run methods so I could see it ran on the regular task host, still running older version of add-in. "How the heck did it do that?" I thought. My dev machine is the only one set as task host in execution method of the task and the production task host isn't set to run any tasks on my test vault.

Coincidentally and in passing, why did my search results have two rows for every file (two .sldprt and two .slddrw)?

Well, when I'm not used to having two vault view (production and test) on one machine. On the left side of the search tool there's check boxes for the various attached vaults. I ran the task from the file that is in the production vault. <()>

Took me a while to unravel that!

P.S. Also, don't embed Interop Types (default when adding the EPDM Interop from new installation) that will make more version fun. <()>