Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

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Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by mike miller »

This thread isn't here to solve anything; it's only here because misery likes company. Most of these problems will never go away no matter how loudly we scream. But hey, at least we can enjoy the moment. ()

Anyhow, here's one to get it started. Please note that I am using a Solidworks certified graphics card... grumph
2021-05-26 15_25_01.jpg
by DennisD » Tue Jun 08, 2021 10:07 am
mike miller wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:51 am What on earth Solidworks?

2021-06-08 09_46_18.jpg

See all those bend lines? Ctrl+Shift+Q does nothing. They are NOT showing in the part level, only in the assembly. Even weirder, the only way to fix it is to open each part file and close it; you don't even have to save it!

o[ ()
It is not a bug, it is personal. You are not paranoid, SWX really IS out to get you!
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by mike miller »

I frequently see this graphics glitch.........and it even automatically displays my desktop background before I have time to fully appreciate that glitzy status bar. o[

CRASH!!.jpg (29.28 KiB) Viewed 7973 times
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by mike miller »

What on earth Solidworks?
2021-06-08 09_46_18.jpg
See all those bend lines? Ctrl+Shift+Q does nothing. They are NOT showing in the part level, only in the assembly. Even weirder, the only way to fix it is to open each part file and close it; you don't even have to save it!

o[ ()
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by DennisD »

mike miller wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:51 am What on earth Solidworks?

2021-06-08 09_46_18.jpg

See all those bend lines? Ctrl+Shift+Q does nothing. They are NOT showing in the part level, only in the assembly. Even weirder, the only way to fix it is to open each part file and close it; you don't even have to save it!

o[ ()
It is not a bug, it is personal. You are not paranoid, SWX really IS out to get you!
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by mike miller »

This is weird. It's a master model, yes......but I have bigger ones that perform much better. Notice how the graphics area lags a few seconds behind the rotation cursor. I am trading off between MMB and a 3D mouse. But as soon as I click on a sketch to preview it, it speeds up about 10 times.

Here are my performance settings:
2021-06-21 09_26_44.jpg
Changing the Image Quality settings does nothing.
Solidworks graphics lag.mp4
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by Frederick_Law »

If you haven't notice, SW took a few seconds to "wake up".
So if you click and move the mouse, cursor will be leading and moving ahead.
Try click, wait a second or two before moving the mouse.

Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by Merovingien »

you are working with an "opposite workflow", as the basic use of SW...

one basic is : in design tree, every sketch-construction are hidden.
except for some rare sketch you will need to use in upper ASM.
never work with the display-filter : hide all (you are working in a bad way with SW, like an opposite-thinking)

so disable "hide all"
hide all sketch in you tree
hide all "others things" in design tree, you see in 3D graphics, but you don' want to see.
(axis, plane, point...)

also, level of detail : set it at 4 graduations from the right side.

anti-aliasing can slower some 3D graphic viewer (i prefer set it off)
RealView also slower a little the gpu a little (i prefer set it off)

it also exists others settings elsewhere... to speed up 3D graphic SW.
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by mike miller »

Merovingien wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:16 am you are working with an "opposite workflow", as the basic use of SW...

one basic is : in design tree, every sketch-construction are hidden.
except for some rare sketch you will need to use in upper ASM.
never work with the display-filter : hide all (you are working in a bad way with SW, like an opposite-thinking)

so disable "hide all"
hide all sketch in you tree
hide all "others things" in design tree, you see in 3D graphics, but you don' want to see.
(axis, plane, point...)

also, level of detail : set it at 4 graduations from the right side.

anti-aliasing can slower some 3D graphic viewer (i prefer set it off)
RealView also slower a little the gpu a little (i prefer set it off)

it also exists others settings elsewhere... to speed up 3D graphic SW.
Oh that's a can of worms. Manually hiding all sketches and planes? thanks. That makes the Hide/Show toggles useless. How will you find something if you ever need it? ()

I'll be honest, I don't use Show/Hide All Types much, I normally use the toggles to the left in the Heads-Up Display for showing/hiding all planes/sketches/axes/etc. The toggles are there for a reason, why make life difficult? (One caveat: if I know I'll never need a certain plane/sketch again, I sometimes hide it just to de-clutter graphics space in a very large part.)

P.S. Besides, that has nothing to do with the graphics glitch. I use the same basic approach for many other large files and they work just fine.
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by Merovingien »

you can try, for that part, to use "in a normal way" the hide-show
(enable it on the 3D-filter, and in the design-tree right-clic on each showed-item to set them as not-visible)
and see if the bug is still here.
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by SPerman »

WTH are these dotted lines, and where did they come from?
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by SPerman »

Sometimes it isn't the major deal breaking crash. It is the relentless water torture of minor inconveniences and annoyances, that in total, make me hate this software.
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by Merovingien »

for the 3D-filter, using it in the opposite intend it should be, lead to only use (see) the top of the iceberg,
and passing away from more interesting and advanced features-technics.

the use of 3D-filter has already been talked/said in others threads on this forum.

Capture.png (5.29 KiB) Viewed 7698 times

that remind me people who think the "block rebuild" in PRT, should be the basis for every Library-part (turned on).
they misunderstand the feature, and are creating some problems in some cases, by using that feature in that way.

for the dotted line, it came from a hole-wizard, you probably change the size of the hole, or activate for a previous hole-wizard the "custom size", and the settign was kept in that part,
it also can be the change between threaded-hole to normal-hole, because hole wizard can bug a little, classic work-arround into hole-wizard can fix it, without deleting the feature.
you can also try to activate in the DRW, on each view the "thread in high quality"
(but warning, don't set it "on" into your DOTDRW, it isn't intend to be "on" as default)
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by Jaylin Hochstetler »

I had a really weird one today.
It was loading a gauge table when I got this error.
2021-07-07 08_57_37-Window.jpg
Whoever was coding must of been ready to go home!
Then when I clicked "Okay" the gauge table remained open until I exited the sheet metal feature and clicked outside of the Excel worksheet area.
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

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Frederick_Law wrote: Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:09 pm Graphic-100.jpg
Now that is weird! Was that photo-shopped?
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by Frederick_Law »

Noop, 2 parts like that and other assembly are normal.
Close and open the part again, same $hit.
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by JuTu »

Lately, SW has been on a funny mood from now an then.
It's quite interesting trying to work with THESE dimensions. UU
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

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SPerman wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:53 pm WTH are these dotted lines, and where did they come from?

THat looks like the cosmetic threads after you moved them in your model before opening up the drawing. We see that all the time & have reported it but like all other bugs they don't pay any attention to them. o[ o[ o[
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

It's not quite the same thing, but I've had an odd issue today. When modeling I like to have the model show as Shaded with Edges, but with tangent edges not set to show. When working with some Parts today the tangent edges have been consistently showing anyway. Sometimes a Ctrl+Q rebuild would fix it, and sometimes it wouldn't.

Through a small amount of experimentation I discovered that if I edited the appearance and selected a different color the behavior stopped.
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by Jaylin Hochstetler »

The other day I had a strange one, too. I had drawing view of an assembly but as soon as I would click "save as" to save it as a PDF the one part in the assembly would turn to "Hidden Lines Removed". I saved and closed the assembly and then it worked fine.
Save As Weirdness.mp4
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by zxys001 »

Jaylin Hochstetler wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 6:31 am The other day I had a strange one, too. I had drawing view of an assembly but as soon as I would click "save as" to save it as a PDF the one part in the assembly would turn to "Hidden Lines Removed". I saved and closed the assembly and then it worked fine.
Wild... could be a display state toggle? ()
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by zxys001 »

JuTu wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:37 am Lately, SW has been on a funny mood from now an then.
It's quite interesting trying to work with THESE dimensions. UU

Yep... seen this... but just a check.. I work in perspective mode a lot... so, any chance you use perspective mode .. very common for the dims not to show properly... which imho is total bs.
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by zxys001 »

Frederick_Law wrote: Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:09 pm Graphic-100.jpg
Seen it and I've rebooted just because it is too weird.
And/or is it just me... was there a option years ago for changing the coordinate icon (maybe in a beta?)... if so, just wonder if it's still there somewhere and it get's turned on with older code?
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by JuTu »

zxys001 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:39 am Yep... seen this... but just a check.. I work in perspective mode a lot... so, any chance you use perspective mode .. very common for the dims not to show properly... which imho is total bs.
Meh... I've never used Perspective mode - or so far I haven't used it. I wonder whether the issue might relate to GPU firmware... but what are the odds... I'm not sure am I the only one in my company using this computer setup. I have been thinking if I should reinstall all GPU software and firmware. Well... idk. :roll:
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by Damo »


Hmmmm.. 2040..?! :?

And then it goes ahead and inserts the correct bend notes anyway.. EVERYTIME.. <()>

(SW 2021 SP4.1)
SW 2040....png
SW 2040....png (3.27 KiB) Viewed 7213 times
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by mike miller »

This is a weird one. I noticed when adding a part to an assembly SWX allows you to pick a Solid Edge document. Of course, I had to try this........ Well, it appeared to do nothing until I noticed a feature below the rollback bar. LOL!!
2021-11-18 16_26_34.jpg
2021-11-18 16_26_34.jpg (17.98 KiB) Viewed 7098 times
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by jcapriotti »

mike miller wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:31 pm This is a weird one. I noticed when adding a part to an assembly SWX allows you to pick a Solid Edge document. Of course, I had to try this........ Well, it appeared to do nothing until I noticed a feature below the rollback bar. LOL!!

2021-11-18 16_26_34.jpg
It would've be funny if one of those @ symbols had ended up in front of the $$.
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Re: Soiledworks library of strange graphics issues and warnings.

Unread post by JuTu »

JuTu wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:37 am Lately, SW has been on a funny mood from now an then.
It's quite interesting trying to work with THESE dimensions. UU
This graphics glitch is affected by the options 'Display dimensions flat to screen'.
Toggling it off I got rid of the pesky 'feature'. :D
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