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AutoCAD Read Only Issue

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 7:40 am
by Harrison_Johnson

I have this issue that I have been trying to figure out. While in file explorer, if I have the "Preview Pane" activated and try to open a DWG file, it will open as "Read Only". I have to deactivate the "Preview Pane" in order to open the drawing without the "Read Only" popping up.
This is somewhat annoying since SolidWorks is best with a preview pane, however, when switching back to AutoCAD, I have to turn off the preview pane. Does anyone know a better workaround? Or, is there something I am doing that is causing this Read Only to pop up?

Harrison J.

Re: AutoCAD Read Only Issue

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:55 pm
by Austin Schukar
It's been a while, but I used to have similar issues. The issue, for me, in particular, was that the '.dwl' & '.dwl2' files that had been created the previous session had not been closed properly. These files needed to be deleted, or AutoCAD would think that the files were still open. Perhaps preview pane is playing similar games?