Why don't things look right on my screen?
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:26 pm
If you aren't seeing all the options you should in Property Managers and/or drop-down lists, it might be because you have your Windows icon scale set to something other than 100%. Try setting it back and see if that helps.
If it's neither of these issues, it's probably a problem with your graphics card, or its driver. Solidworks is particular about the graphics card, and don't assume that a high end graphics card intended for gaming will be just fine. It probably won't be. Go to this site to check your specs: https://www.solidworks.com/support/hard ... fba4608a4a
If everything was working fine, and now it isn't, it's possible an automatic Windows update is the cause. Try reverting to the previous graphics card driver.
If you're stuck with a non-certified graphics card, and nothing else works, close all SW files, then go to Tools > Options > System Options > Performance and check the box near the bottom that says "Use software OpenGL." This might help, though the results will likely be less than spectacular. If nothing else, it can be a useful diagnostic tool, since if checking that box helps you'll know the problem is with your graphics card.
Edit: I just remembered something. A while back everything on my computer would slowly move down to the bottom of the page. This was on web pages, Word documents, you name it. As you can imagine, it was a bit disconcerting. I hollered to my son, who worked in IT for a few years, for help. It turns out that the problem was caused by my 3d mouse. I unplugged it, left it unplugged for a few minutes, then plugged it back in. That fixed it. It's happened one more time since them, and the same fix worked again.