Search found 46 matches

by nordstjernen740
Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:54 am
Forum: API
Topic: 2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection
Replies: 7
Views: 1101

Re: 2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection

o[ I think I figured it out. when I upgraded to 2022 and reselected epdm.interop.epdm I forgot to flip "embed interop types" from true to false again. Flipped it back and it works!
by nordstjernen740
Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:41 am
Forum: API
Topic: 2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection
Replies: 7
Views: 1101

Re: 2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection

Attached is the example code with filedialog related code commented out and file id and folder id hard coded just to focus on the one issue. You would have to replace the hard coded values with ids that match folders and documents in your vault to run this. I had working code prior to upgrading to 2...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:34 am
Forum: API
Topic: 2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection
Replies: 7
Views: 1101

Re: 2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection

Just a shot in the dark, but did you double check that the properties "Prefer 32-bit" in your visual studio project is unchecked? This can cause the API to freak out unexpectedly. I did have this checked, but when I unchecked it, I got a problem with the openfiledialog. I commented that s...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:21 am
Forum: API
Topic: 2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection
Replies: 7
Views: 1101

Re: 2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection

JSculley wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:52 am I just ran the example code with no problems. Can you ZIP up your Visual Studio solution with just the SW example code and upload it?
Are you running solidworks 2022?
by nordstjernen740
Wed Nov 02, 2022 4:40 pm
Forum: API
Topic: 2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection
Replies: 7
Views: 1101

2022 sp4 PDM API Issue with batchUnlocker.AddSelection

Hi, shot in the dark, but is anyone else having trouble with the 2022 pdm api batch check-in interface? I had to revert to testing with the solidworks provided example in order to rule out myself adding a problem with my own code. I get an error with the example code. EXAMPLE CODE: (https://help.sol...
by nordstjernen740
Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:16 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Hypothetical Replacement.
Replies: 86
Views: 16249

Re: Hypothetical Replacement.

Unfortunately, I only have vague memories based on our migration from smarteam to pdm several years ago when we looked at the major players. I also get teamcenter and windchill confused. The major PLM players at the time were teamcenter, windchill, and enovia. These were all ultimately 2 to 5 times ...
by nordstjernen740
Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:52 am
Forum: SW General
Topic: If SW Desktop Fell off the face of the earth today...
Replies: 61
Views: 9404

Re: If SW Desktop Fell off the face of the earth today...

From what I understand the SW 3DE software runs on the parasolid kernal. I think whoever told you this is distorting the truth. non-xapp "3dexperience works" as far as I understand is just solidworks running locally made to looks like it is running on the cloud. My guess is this is what w...
by nordstjernen740
Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:13 am
Forum: SW General
Topic: Hypothetical Replacement.
Replies: 86
Views: 16249

Re: Hypothetical Replacement.

My feeling with Inventor is that Autodesk is doing the exact same thing that Dassault is and pushing their cloud products over their desktop products. That said. My brother uses Inventor and seems to like it. Like SW it is much more user friendly than Creo and has nearly become a clone of solidworks...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:26 am
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Cad in the cloud

Parametrics and associativity are two different things. Synchronous models can use parametrics. I think you're confusing parametrics with history-based modeling. I'm not confusing anything. I concerned about the loss of parametrics in a translation and how bad solidworks needs to get before we thin...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:11 am
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Cad in the cloud

matt wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:04 am Here is a nice video that shows this link and the associativity in the converted drawing.
Thanks! I saw this one earlier. I was optimistically saying... if they can do this (keep drawings linked to model) maybe they have a shot at true parametric translation someday.
by nordstjernen740
Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:10 am
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Cad in the cloud

eDrawings should be called eModels, it does much better with models. People here don't trust it to show drawings accurately. We use the automatic rev table (via PDM) and the table is almost always a mess in eDrawings. After spending way too many hours chasing geese and rabbits with support case we ...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:30 am
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Cad in the cloud

This ability to read other CAD system's sketch and feature data has been talked about as long as I have been aware of CAD. Isn't 3D Interconnect Solidworks' tool to use SE (and others) files in SW assemblies? Thing is they all want to keep you trapped in their system so as soon as SE for example fi...
by nordstjernen740
Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:30 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Cad in the cloud

Ok i figured they must. Does anyone in the SE world have hope that the SW to SE translation wizard will be even more complete and include sketches in the coming years? Or has it been relatively stable feature wise of late?
by nordstjernen740
Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:53 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Cad in the cloud

This has been helpful. So currently a migration to SE would mean throwing out our sketches, basically as a trade off for some intuitive direct editing. It is good to know what we are up against when weighing how bad sw needs to get before we consider becoming a multi cad company. As a side note. Do ...
by nordstjernen740
Wed Feb 23, 2022 4:32 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Cad in the cloud

For the most fidelity when you migrate to Solid Edge, use the SolidWorks Migration Wizard. It requires you maintain a SolidWorks license while using it (it works with the SolidWorks API), but it will provide a little more automatic feature recognition of Sync features plus it will provide assemblie...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:06 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Smart vs Dumb

I hear ya on changing systems with existing data set. We need existing files for about 95% of requests that design is working on so pretty much needed the entire data set into the new system that we didn't know much about. Looking back over the past couple years the cost of migrating data set to th...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:50 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Smart vs Dumb

I can't see a way around explicit constraints in many of our key components. Some of our models literally could not be have designed without construction sketches or an alternative form of explicit constraints. (unless we were to do it through trial and error) I don't care how advanced implied const...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:44 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: New SW CEO
Replies: 25
Views: 4940

Re: New SW CEO

I can't see a way around explicit constraints in many of our key components. Some of our models literally could not be have designed without construction sketches or an alternative form of explicit constraints. (unless we were to do it through trial and error) I don't care how advanced implied const...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:09 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Smart vs Dumb

My point, if Solid Edge ST does not fit your usage, just don't use it, plain and simple. SE in ordered mode is still about the same as SW, just a lot different. I used SE most of the time for several years, back in the v14 - v18 days then again at ST6, 9 and 2019. Couldn't get ST to be a reliable w...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:27 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Smart vs Dumb

I'd say explicit intent is lost, but "implied intent" is what Solid Edge Sync is good at, or in other words, what a logical person would assume would be the intent. That's basically what I have thought the case was. I think that explicit intent is important in some cases. I think we (mean...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:34 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Smart vs Dumb <ll> I've seen that very article, I'm not arguing that the design intent can't be added in solid edge, but you can't really be saying that nothing is l...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:59 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: Smart vs Dumb

"Dumb" solid was a term invented by history based users. Direct Edit people never met a solid they considered unchangeable. If there is information lost and that information had value then the "dumb solid" name is very much applicable. Just because you can make changes, does not...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:53 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132

Re: CloudWorks

Here's another Enovia related clip from an article previously linked referring to why Daimler-Mercedes did not go down the 3dx road.
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:46 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Cad in the cloud
Replies: 44
Views: 6132


Most of the time it is more about organizing workflows/BOMs/part numbers/PLM&PDM/Properties/2D Drawings/sheet metal/ECOs.... How is 3DX on that end? What about competitors? Edit: To clarify further: I think working with 'dumb solids' for a year just to switch would entirely be possible! The 3dx...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:18 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: New SW CEO
Replies: 25
Views: 4940

Re: New SW CEO

I'm reading lots of impending doom speak for "solidworks" as a legacy desktop product... How soon can we realistically expect to see a proper sunset & burial of Solidworks & the foretold forced migration to cloud products? I represent just one business & such a change would be...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:50 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: CAD Migration
Replies: 24
Views: 2813

Re: New SW CEO

I honestly have a hard time imagining how that would be viable. Just think how toxic the work environment would get over things like this. I know I'm faster then some of my co-workers, but I wouldn't want the pricing of the program to be imposed on what defines the salary of my co-workers. It could...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:29 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: CAD Migration
Replies: 24
Views: 2813

Re: New SW CEO

I'm not so sure its a oneway street. At least what I can glean from demos I think it is more like 3d interconnect where (if everything is working correctly) you can edit desktopworks stuff in desktopworks and cloudworks stuff in cloudworks, but the minute you try to edit one with the other and vice ...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:12 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: CAD Migration
Replies: 24
Views: 2813

Re: New SW CEO

I am just as frustrated as the rest of you about the direction Dassault is taking Solidworks. Unfortunately, the move to 3DExperience is unlikely to abate, regardless of their litany of failures with everything web-based. The reason is simple: 'software as a service' (SAAS) has taken over the softw...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Feb 17, 2022 3:41 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: CAD Migration
Replies: 24
Views: 2813

Re: New SW CEO

Cloud is not a problem, as long as it's not a barrier. I might be wrong but I believe I've read that you can't even use native SolidWorks files over the Cloud, you actually need to recreate them. As far as I can tell this is a true statement. Our rep has not told me otherwise when I have grilled hi...
by nordstjernen740
Wed Feb 09, 2022 12:36 pm
Forum: CAD Agnostic
Topic: Who else is using mostly/only "bottom up" modeling methods?
Replies: 26
Views: 6377

Re: Who else is using mostly/only "bottom up" modeling methods?

We utilize pdm pro and manage. The "calculated" engineering bom in Manage is the master from which releases are cut. Solidworks portions of the Manage bom are always "live" to the latest version of the solidworks assembly (with optional visibility to "as-built" or previ...
by nordstjernen740
Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:35 am
Forum: CAD Agnostic
Topic: Who else is using mostly/only "bottom up" modeling methods?
Replies: 26
Views: 6377

Re: Who else is using mostly/only "bottom up" modeling methods?

Our production assemblies are exclusively bottom up and I can't imagine it any other way for us. We highly encourage part reuse so that bottom up is pretty much a necessity. Top down can be used as a design tool, but we can't allow it into the production assemblies due to globally allowing and encou...
by nordstjernen740
Tue Feb 08, 2022 3:13 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: where does it open the components from?
Replies: 24
Views: 6262

Re: where does it open the components from?

Tangent advice to the above topic: Unique files names are so so important. I am sometimes astounded that solidworks doesn't really have any built in tools for helping you use unique file names (unless you have pdm) and even in pdm all of the example datasets that solidworks constantly uses in their ...
by nordstjernen740
Fri Jan 28, 2022 4:08 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: Most common mistakes made by new users?
Replies: 40
Views: 5881

Re: Most common mistakes made by new users?

I do a Parasolid wash (save the part as a parasolid and then reopen it and save over the file) right after suppressing extra erroneous features (like threads) on all McMaster-Carr parts (and similar vendor parts). This is because there is generally extra information in them that can slow down your ...
by nordstjernen740
Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:09 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: SW2020 vs SW2021
Replies: 16
Views: 2204

Re: SW2020 vs SW2021

Do gifs work here?
by nordstjernen740
Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:35 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: SW2020 vs SW2021
Replies: 16
Views: 2204

Re: SW2020 vs SW2021

We just upgraded to 2021 from 2020 mostly for pdm/manage reasons. Whatever you do, make sure you turn OFF enhanced graphics performance. As long as that setting is OFF I think you'll be fine with 2021. Even after only a day of being upgrade I had multiple users (that hadn't yet run the swsettings fi...
by nordstjernen740
Fri Jan 28, 2022 11:05 am
Forum: SW General
Topic: Most common mistakes made by new users?
Replies: 40
Views: 5881

Re: Most common mistakes made by new users?

-Using assembly mates as a way to validate modeling precision rather than a tool for restricting degrees of freedom of components.
by nordstjernen740
Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:45 am
Forum: SW General
Topic: 2021 edrawings issues anyone?
Replies: 0
Views: 2646

2021 edrawings issues anyone?

This is a copy paste of what I sent to our var on this topic, Just looking for feedback if anyone else is seeing similar issues since the knowledge base doesn't seem to have a ton of info on this. We have had several edrawings issues after our recent upgrade of solidworks 2021. Most of our issue fee...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:42 am
Forum: SW General
Topic: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?
Replies: 15
Views: 2250

Re: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?

We get that one occasionally now (2020 sp5), but I have mostly associated it (in my mind at least) with doing state changes on files in pdm while the file is open in solidworks. not that it should happen in that case either.
Do you have pdm?
by nordstjernen740
Fri Oct 15, 2021 4:25 pm
Forum: 2D Drawings
Topic: Auto-Balloon not working correctly in 2021 sp4.1
Replies: 3
Views: 2773

Re: Auto-Balloon not working correctly in 2021 sp4.1

Whelp, This was a nonissue. Kinda. Three of us veteran users were thrown off by the ""edit balloons" checkbox that comes up when solidworks feels like it. Seems like it has something to do with if you have an existing bom generated from the same view that you are trying to insert the ...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Oct 14, 2021 5:03 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?
Replies: 15
Views: 2250

Re: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?

Over on SWYM, Steven Dod has been mentioning what sounds like some pretty serious performance problems. Anyone here that can corroborate?
by nordstjernen740
Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:24 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?
Replies: 15
Views: 2250

Re: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?

mattpeneguy Someone has to find the bugs, since Dassault won't. Still waiting for my paycheck for all the detailed troubleshooting I've done for them. mike miller I get the same way sometimes. Its easy to do. The prospect of going through the same old VAR script every time there is some flaky issue...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:32 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?
Replies: 15
Views: 2250

Re: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?

I have frequently seen a "This file cannot be saved" error when editing in context. It's usually caused by hitting Ctrl+S before returning to the assembly environment. The only solution is to close without saving and......lose all your changes. Oh, and sometimes I get it even if I'm not i...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:31 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?
Replies: 15
Views: 2250

Re: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?

mattpeneguy I wouldn't necessarily call it enthusiasm. The problem is we have several major performance issues on the pdm/manage side that are pretty big time sucks that are costing us hours everyday. There are some pretty significant improvements on that side in 2021. We are really pushing the Man...
by nordstjernen740
Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:00 pm
Forum: SW General
Topic: New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?
Replies: 15
Views: 2250

New issues in Solidworks 2021? PDM? Manage?

Hi All, Working on testing 2021 sp4.1 before we pull the trigger on upgrading 50 or so cad workstations and another 100ish pdm/manage "contributors". We've done a lot of testing, but thought I'd see if anyone has any pet 2021 issues that we should be aware of before we go live. We are curr...
by nordstjernen740
Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:32 pm
Forum: 2D Drawings
Topic: Auto-Balloon not working correctly in 2021 sp4.1
Replies: 3
Views: 2773

Re: Auto-Balloon not working correctly in 2021 sp4.1

Thanks, I reviewed that and it doesn't look quite the same as what we are seeing. Sounds like they've been messing with auto-balloon though so it doesn't surprise me that there's bugs.
by nordstjernen740
Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:59 pm
Forum: 2D Drawings
Topic: Auto-Balloon not working correctly in 2021 sp4.1
Replies: 3
Views: 2773

Auto-Balloon not working correctly in 2021 sp4.1

Hi all, Below is a copy and paste of what I just sent to my VAR and posted on the "other" forum. We'll see which one is better. It was nice being able to post directly in the "2d drawings area". Wondering if anyone else has observed this behavior and if you figured out a "fi...