PDM, User/Group Properties -> Warnings ->Check In check boxes apply to Undo Checkout as well? Why?

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PDM, User/Group Properties -> Warnings ->Check In check boxes apply to Undo Checkout as well? Why?

Unread post by bnemec »

Because users ignore the warnings in the RFDs and then cannot understand why stuff is mucked up I set several warnings back to errors a couple of months ago. It's helped. Having them blocking the check in was a bit much in the beginning due mostly to my botched migration of SE files that shouldn't have been left out of vault in the first place. Users could barely function, but we're on our wheels a bit better now.

Anyway, I was checking some behavior mostly to grab a screen shot of the Check In dialog to use in reply email concerning the issue. To do that I had to check some files out to be able to show the check in RFD and my intent was to cancel the Check In dialog after screen shot and then just Undo Checkout as I knew there were bad refs. Again, I just wanted to screen shot to show user(s).

I go to Undo Checkout and it's blocked due to the File not Found I set to block. I thought, these should just be warnings in the undo checkout, not blocking, why did I do that? So I go in Admin tool to fix so I can Undo Checkout with the warnings. Nope, there's not one for undo checkout, it uses the same as Check In. WTH? Undo Check Out inherently means I don't want to make changes, so how am I supposed to get them checked back in when these files are on someone else's PC?

Am I missing something here? Anyone have work around for this?

by AlexB » Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:49 pm
The quick solution would be to have the Admin undo the check-out, assuming the admin doesn't have as restrictive warnings blocking the check-in/out actions. I'm not sure why it uses the same permissions as Check-In, but there's a lot I don't understand about why the developers went with the current architecture of PDM.
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Re: PDM, User/Group Properties -> Warnings ->Check In check boxes apply to Undo Checkout as well? Why?

Unread post by AlexB »

The quick solution would be to have the Admin undo the check-out, assuming the admin doesn't have as restrictive warnings blocking the check-in/out actions. I'm not sure why it uses the same permissions as Check-In, but there's a lot I don't understand about why the developers went with the current architecture of PDM.
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Re: PDM, User/Group Properties -> Warnings ->Check In check boxes apply to Undo Checkout as well? Why?

Unread post by jcapriotti »

Only option, as mentioned by @AlexB, is to allow an admin or certain power users to do it.
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Re: PDM, User/Group Properties -> Warnings ->Check In check boxes apply to Undo Checkout as well? Why?

Unread post by bnemec »

OK. hhhh

I'll add it to my SW PDM TTL
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Re: PDM, User/Group Properties -> Warnings ->Check In check boxes apply to Undo Checkout as well? Why?

Unread post by the_h4mmer »

This is definitely annoying and I have run into this issue before as well except it was with "File not rebuilt" warning, which was a disaster in our vault. I guessed it had something to do with references when checking out multiple files, but that might be too charitable and it could just be laziness.
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Re: PDM, User/Group Properties -> Warnings ->Check In check boxes apply to Undo Checkout as well? Why?

Unread post by bnemec »

This came up in yesterday's PDM SWUG meeting. Tor posted the SPR number for the existing Enhancement:
Enhancement SPR 879147 "Enhancement: Add 'Undo check out' as a separate command while setting 'Warnings' for users/groups in EPDM administration."
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